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Accueil des Villes Françaises (AVF) is a unique association dedicated to welcoming newcomers and open to all new arrivals to help them succeed with their relocation. One main feature of the AVF network of local associations established in many cities and towns countrywide is to be managed exclusively by volunteers. Since its establishment in the 70’s, the AVF network has always maintained its original aim to become involved in the local life by forging links and establishing friendships between new arrivals and local residents.
Each local AVF offers through a volunteers’ group free welcome service
dedicated to accompanying all newcomers providing them with advice and
support in their new daily life and unfamiliar environment.
More information on «welcome support» : click here.
The L.I.F.T. program is a series of meetings designed to help newcomers from
other countries adjust to life in France. The sessions are held in English and
delivered by expats and native French with experience of international moves.
More information on the Lift Program : click here.
Each year, AVF Versailles annually hosts a one-day visit to Versailles of foreign
scientists. AVF volunteers provide a guided walking tour of Versailles historical
district while AVF families demonstrate their strong sense of welcome and
hospitality by hosting a convivial lunch with the foreign visitors.
More information on «hosting expatriate scientists» : click here.
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